I also had found out about a website, www.weightview.com, that will take a photo you submit and create your "after" photo based on the weight info you submit. I had tried this a couple of weeks ago and used my 4wk progress photo...the results were scary. I looked like horrible. The website suggests you take the photo at a slight angle and so I decided to try it again. The results are below. I actually thought that my real photo didnt look too bad considering just how much I weigh but that only lasted until I got their version of my after photo. That looks much better! The weightview after is their simulation of a 40lb weightloss. I hope to be 40lbs lighter by end of May.
This week I managed to lose another 2.4lbs which brings me to a total of 17.4 in the six weeks since the beginning of the year. I am very happy with my success thus far and plan on continuing with similar weekly losses for as long as possible. I want to be to goal by my cruise next year. The best part of this past week was that yesterday someone asked me if I had lost weight...that I was looking good. :)
Oooooh - isn't weightview the coolest?
Sorry, let me introduce myself. I'm Annalisa, stay-at-home mom of three kids. I took the time to read all your blogs just now, and hope you don't mind if I check in with you. It's inspiring to read about someone else going through the same stuff I am. Thank you for your honesty and courage. I'm trying to do the same, and I really enjoyed reading your blog.
Another great loss! I'm glad you got past the wall! SO close to 20!!! That weight view is motivational huh?
OH and I got asked if I was losing weight yesterday too! But it was by my mom so I thought it might just be the drugs talking LOL
Annalisa - thank you for taking the time to read my blog and for the comment. I would love if you would continue to follow my journey. Thanks
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