I have decided to put it all out there this time. A friend of mine outside of the other blog also just happened to decide to try again on the same Satruday a week ago and she did something a little different, she told anyone and everyone that she was trying to lose weight. She says it helps keep her on track and accountable. While I hadnt kept it a secret last year that I was trying to lose weight I also hadn't purposely put it out there so publicly. I wonder if it would truely help? The downside that immediately comes to mind is the "can you eat that?" I think I can handle that and am considering going public. Not only with the weightloss journey but another journey that I decided to tackle sometime last year.
I want to run a half marathon.
Wow, never thought I'd say those words. I do not consider mysef a runner, have never wanted to be a runner, swore I would only run when chased and my life depended on it. Something started changing in me last year and it was almost like a calling. Our city hosted a marathon that also had a half marathon element and I thought to myself that I could do that. I could run a half marathon. I can do anything I put my mind to. I kept getting little signs about running and the thought lingered in my mind for a few weeks and the clencher was the episode of The Biggest Loser when Rebecca closed with her running of a half. She was in tears knowing that if she could do this anyone could. She never imagined that she could have done something like that but now her life was changed.
I plan to begin the Couch to 5k training program and contineu beyond the 5k to run the half marathon here in my city in the fall.
Now I'm off to enjoy my Saturday, get a stopwatch, good sports bra and get going on the road to my half marathon!
Oh, I almost forgot. I lost 2.2lbs as of Wednesday. I have been 100% on program since last Saturday and intend to stay that way. Here's the scale shot of last Wednesday: