Monday, April 27

Facing my challenge head on

My last post was about the trip I am currently on and how fearful I was that it would not just keep me from continuing to lose but quite possibly completely derail all of the hard work I had completed thus far. I didn't count points and resist (some) temptations to lose 32lbs only to have a business trip set me back so I took steps to ensure I would have tools available to me to make the trip less scary.

Thus far, I've been pleasantly surprised to find that not only have I made time for exercise, five workouts so far in 2 1/2 days, but the food provided by the conference has had some good choices available! Granted I'd already stocked the fridge I had put in my room with yogurt, cottage cheese, 1% milk, etc and I also have with me some fiber one bars, granola, bananas, apples and strawberry yogurt cheerios but even those readily available healthy things could be undone by a breakfast buffet bar and who knows what at lunch - both meals which are already provided to me in my conference fees. I'm delighted to say that the breakfast buffet includes an omlette station that has egg whites! After my 24min heck of a stairstepper workout this morning, I was rewarded with an eggwhite, spinach, mushroom, & tomato omlette, wheat toast, fresh pineapple and blackberries. Lunch had choices like baked salmon, peas & other grilled vegetables. Knowing that I was eating healthy made it easier to skip the dessert table. (I may just have to take a picture of the dessert table so you all know just how much of a victory passing up that table is!)

Dinners are on our own but we also found an very interesting restaurant just up the interstate. Not only does it have healthy choices available but the menu provides more nutritional information than I have ever seen at any restaurant. I had the saladbar and two filets of the Scrod Floridian. I was stuffed and was again able to pass up the desserts! You should check out their websites menu info: Eat-N-Park

Now, unfortunately I'm not certain that all of this hard work will be "rewarded" with a big loss this week because the scale was actually up today from the previous day and I think that has to do with the incredible shock my muscles must be in from the sudden spike in increased exercise. I can honestly say that despite drinking LOTS of water the past couple days I still feel as if I haven't had enough for my healing muscles and I am distinctly aware of many muscles in my legs that otherwise don't make their presence known with every step.

I am honestly curious how difficult it might be to get out of bed in the morning after (gasp) a full 8hrs of sleep! So long as I am able to make it out of bed and get dressed of my own power I will be in the gym when it opens at zero-six-thirty. I may have to workout at lunch tomorrow too because we've got it on very good authority that the restaurant in the local casino has the best prime rib anywhere and has it on special only from 4-5p daily. Tomorrow is the only day we will be able to make it there that early. I may have a last chance meal rather than last chance workout!

*update: I was actually able to get out of bed this morning but moved so slowly to the gym that I had time for just an 18min stair stepper workout. My glutes are on FIRE today! I think this means its working . . . at least that's what I tell myself as I get up out of chairs and try to begin walking. :)


One Pretty Little Box said...

I am so proud of you! I hope you have a great confrence!!!

As for the swimsuit challenge ` shopping in your own drawers is fine, and no, you do not have to model them!! I would love to see a pic of the suit!

Annalisa@Gracie'sGarden said...

Way to go Melisa!!! Congrats on the strength of your will power. You should be so proud of yourself! Good luck with tomorrow and the last chance work out!

Lucrecia said...

I can't tell you how proud I am! I think staying on plan while on vacation is one of the hardest things! Snacking and traveling just go hand in hand. And not sleeping in? Awesome!! I bet you have a great weigh in tomorrow!

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